Nothing herein constitutes legal, financial, business, or tax advice and you should consult your own legal, financial, tax, or another professional advisor (s) before engaging in any activity in connection herewith.
Neither MetaPlanet AI nor any of the project team members who have worked on the MetaPlanet AI project shall be liable for any kind of direct or indirect damage or loss whatsoever that you may suffer in connection with accessing this Whitepaper, the website, or any other materials published by MetaPlanet AI. The information contained in this Whitepaper is meant for general informational purposes only. The blockchain platform MetaPlanet AI is deployed on does not guarantee the accuracy of the conclusions reached in this Whitepaper.
Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be deemed to constitute a prospectus, an offer document, an offer of securities (in any jurisdiction), a solicitation for investments, or any offer to sell any product, item, or asset (whether digital or otherwise). This document is not composed by and is not subject to any jurisdiction laws or regulations designed to protect investors. Carefully read the Whitepaper and the Official Website for relevant instructions and a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology and digital assets. Please note the potential risks and thoroughly assess your financial situation.
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